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28.07.2021 18:23
Студентам и абитуриентам нужен или сертификат о вакцинации или справка о противопоказаниях

Получить место в общежитии студенты и абитуриенты смогут только при наличии сертификата о вакцинации или справки о ...

08.02.2016 09:58
Attention: regional cooperation in the Northern Europe is under threat

Norwegian pundits have already been talking for a long time about defence strengthening due to the rising “Russian threat” For example, on 4 January, the Norwegian TV channel TV2 NORGE aired a claim that “the obvious ...

27.11.2012 11:54
Shtockman will come the second?

Scientists have offered an unexpected output from a gas problem. - Shtockman will be. Surely! - optimists tirelessly go on. - If you don’t fear God, then at least fear ice sea with icebergs! – object pessimists. – There will ...

15.08.2011 21:47
The Irish Twin Cities

This year Murmansk celebrates its 95 birthday, Kirovsk will be 80 years old and Apatity 45. But many of us have never thought that the northern lands have been inhabited more then 5000 ...

15.08.2011 21:46
“Gazprom " takes an interest in the development of shipbuilding industry in the Murmansk region

A meeting between the Deputy Chairman of public corporation "Gazprom" Alexander Ananenkov and the Governor of the Murmansk region Dmitry Dmitrienko was held in Murmansk today. The parties ...

10.08.2011 12:27
The picket Saami 08.09.2011

Today, on the Day of Indigenous Peoples, Kola Saami not onlycelebrated, but also added a headache officials. In Murmansk and the cinema in downtown, on an area ...

23.06.2011 17:52
In 2014, the Saami open-air museum will appear

Yesterday at a meeting of the Committee on Education, Science and Culture of the regional Duma deputies reviewed the investment project "Sami museum under the open sky."Yesterday at a meeting of the Committee on Education, Science and Culture of ...

23.06.2011 17:50
Collection of public opinion about quality of municipal services in 2010

Commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Murmansk region in late June - early July this year experts "Center for Social and Marketing Research" will hold a public poll. The subject of a poll is a public opinion about the ...
