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19.11.2012 10:28
Категория: Экология

Dialogue with Greenpeace, continuation …

In August of this year I turned to Greenpeace with questions on their activities. The main theme of my address - why the organization so selectively fights against oil development in the north, attacking only Russia and ignoring the other countries in this question. It should be noted that my request wasn’t ignored and the dialog was entered by the Head of the Energy Department Greenpeace in Russia Vladimir Chuprov, who tried to answer the questions. A few days ago came another response from Vladimir, so it was necessary to wait it for a long time because of my participation in the elections to the city council of the city Murmansk, as Greenpeace feared that our correspondence can somehow affect the results.

Greenpeace’s response:
Dear Dmitry,
Well, we got our first points of agreement:
- Oil is not always good, and even on the contrary,
-  Energy efficiency isn't so bad as it seems,
- The Arctic Region and oil spills, oil and fishery are badly compatible things.
- Specific requirements for NSR to prevent tragedies such as the Kola  is also good.

Your questions go into the details. It is a pity that they are going in the direction of "foreign agents" and wages in Greenpeace.

In turn on our questions we don't receive responses that looks quite incorrectly (psychological warfare experts would call it "put the enemy in the situation warrants").

As to a question of public campaigns in the field of power efficiency. Of course we work in both directions - the stage of oil production and final consumption. And certainly the principal direction is the second (here our points of view are absolutely same). If you type keywords of "Greenpeace Efficiency" and «Greenpeace Energy» in any searcher, you will find the answer and will dispel your doubts.

And there are good news. Oil consuming in the Old World was stabilized and falls. It is connected with the saturation of the car market, changing of behavioral stereotypes in the USA and more stringent standards for vehicles. Small but growth far is  provided by China and other high-growth countries. But there is coming (possible) changes. First of all connected with global crisis and the fall in growth in China.

About fools (why if the Arctic oil is such expensive to the company and the governments are torn to the Arctic region). It probably the most crucial question.

The Arctic oil race is very politicized. It is possible to say that it is based primarily on the initiative of governments (see the appropriate policies of the Arctic countries.) Why are the companies conducted in this race?

First, we won't receive all responses never, and what is behind the decisions of Exxon or Shell in the Arctic region, we hardly don’t know.

But that it is possible to tell precisely. It is impossible to call all companies as "fools".

- The company Cairn has left in 2010 from the shelf of Greenland, not finding commercial reserves of hydrocarbons. The development of expertise costed about half a billion dollars (the cost of exploration in 2010). However, apparently, the company wants to go back to Greenland shelf. But time will judge us.
- The Conoco Philips company has a few years ago left the joint venture with Lukoil after production on Southern Hylyuyuysk  field (depreciation of the company's approximately  half a billion dollars) failed.
- In July 2012, BP announced that the Liberty project puts to Baffort's see due to economic inability to fulfill the safety requirements for project.
- The output of Stait oil from Shtokman (to the question of how the Norwegians are torn to the Arctic region) - losses are over 300 million dollars.
- One more news from Canada. On September 6, 2012 were announced competition totals in the tender for the lease on the Beaufort Sea oil exploration - about 1 million hectares. As a result, competition for land is the only applicant was a small company, consisting of two persons, registered in a village near Oxford in the UK with a capital of several million dollars. Any large company in the end did not show interest in the area exposed to the oil exploration.
- April, 2012 - the actual failure of one of the largest (correct, maybe the largest) insurer in the world - the Lloyd company - from insurance of oil and gas projects in the Arctic region. And it is a signal to all insurance companies. And insurance is a condition without which the Arctic projects simply can not taken place …
- An unexpected position to the Total company, which has refused oil projects on the Arctic shelf. "We are concerned about the consequences of an oil spill in these areas. Accidents can always happen, even with the best technology, "Monsieur de Viviès, Total's senior vice president, exploration and production northern Europe. "There are many places in the world we can drill, and the Arctic is not a place we want to be. That's why we aren't drilling off Greenland, for example, "concludes Monsieur de Viviès.

And here it is already (in conjunction with Lloyd) seriously.

Another important thing which needs to be known. Cost and profit depend on the level of capitalization - how much are the shares of the company cost in the market. This cost is influenced by in many respects shown stock rate (in our case of oil and gas).

I have no exact assessment, but you can check the impact on the assessment of Exxon access to Kara gas fields. I am sure that in a short period of time (the first years), Exxon has won. In this case, as you know, the timing of the strategic planning of business companies are calculated to the months, at the best the first years.

Also note the difference in the estimates of what will be the investment in the joint venture with Exxon from the exon and politicians (Putin). Total investment to the East-Prinovozemelsky blocks, according to Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, could possibly reach as high as $500 billion, though ExxonMobil's officials said that in the near term, it is likely that investments will reach only tens of billions of dollars. (Сramer, Andrew E. (30 August 2011). "Exxon Reaches Arctic Oil Deal With Russians". The New York Times. Retrieved 2 September 2011). Difference on an order.

The important detail - the deal between Rosneft and Exxon was based on the exchange of assets. The best option for hedging of Russian political risk does not come up.

I am more than confident that the Arctic fever will ends in a few years, when it becomes clear already today known fact that before the Arctic oil and gas to wait until at least 2030 (see my first answer). Passions will cool, and we will hear absolutely other rhetoric in exchange to present promotion which creates the myth about infinite inventories of the Arctic oil - " Come and take it."
Moreover, already hear the voices of experts who are beginning to question the whole victorious rhetoric about Arctic oil and gas. According to Statistics Norway (SSB) and Center for International Climate and Environmental Research (CICERO) staff, extracting these resources will only account for between 8 and 10 percent of global production in 2050. This is despite beliefs the Arctic contains around a quarter of the world's undiscovered oil and gas resources. Extracting oil and gas elsewhere is cheaper. Recovery in the Arctic in the future will only therefore represent a small proportion of the world's oil and gas production, the joint report states.


But in the end as a result of the Arctic epic will benefit:
- service companies and contractors,
- Shipbuilders
- Military,
- Navigators.
- policies (here everything is obvious, and I hope that your choice as future politician will be not in favor of politicians who play the Arctic oil).

Pay attention that I deliberately did not include the population of the oil-producing regions in the list. Experience of Sakhalin, the NAO, the Komi shows that these regions do not get a harmonic prosperity, the maximum that they get are symptoms of the Dutch illness at the regional level
From promises of the oil companies before the start of the project "Sakhalin-2": "Creation of the local gas supply, particularly in the south of Sakhalin, will stop pollution from the combustion of liquid fuels, coal and wood. It is especially important for saving beautiful nature of Sakhalin. Moreover, the excess gas can be exported to obtain hard currency, much of which will be aimed at the development of the region.”  " It is necessary to consider the fact that by the early operation of the facilities will be built ports, roads, power lines, stretched bond, built homes. We will also conduct training of the local population to work in the fields.

Plus to everything, there will be growth in the service sector. And, in addition to all this, a lot of money will be credited to you for the right of maintenance of fields. "(source: What is  "Shell?", the newspaper Soviet Sakhalin. Oct. 12, 1991. "We hope that the citizens of Sakhalin will support us, we look forward to success." Newspaper Soviet Sakhalin. September 20, 1991.).

And here from the analysis of the situation in Sakhalin after the beginning of oil and gas exploration: According to federal tax system, 95% of all taxes from the sale of gas go to the federal budget, and only 5% go to the regional (as well will be in case of the implementation of "Shtokman" project).

Besides, the region didn't receive any gas preferences, on the contrary – area buys gas for own needs at world market prices and continues to depend on supply of coal. Statistics also showed that during implementation of gas projects on Sakhalin the quantity of average special and higher educational institutions, and also number of students on the island didn't grow, and, on the contrary, was reduced. There is a large gap in wages between employed in the mining industry and workers in other sectors. Regional budget deficit has not disappeared, but has grown - from 5 to 14% by 2011.

According to Korsakov employment center from 4,500 people who have submitted their resumes in organizations involved in the construction of the plant on liquefaction of gas in the city Korsakov in the south Sakhalin in 2004 were hired only 172 people.

(Sources: Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography. N.M.Knipovicha • «What to expect from the Murmansk region Shtokman project?" [Electronic resource]. -14.02.2011. Http://www.pinro.ru / n22/index. php/ru/news/newssmi/188-2011-02-14-02-57-55 Retrieved 4/10/2012, 9 negative impact LNG ("Sakhalin-2") on the community residents of Korsakov and local infrastructure. A group of residents' knowledge - force "[electronic resource]. - December 4, 2004. https://www.sakhalin.environment.ru/search.html?x=4224 Retrieved 04/10/2012)
Of course there is the example of Norway, which gives hope for the weak - "but we will be different, will be in Norwegian."

You as future politician if want to take place in a politics, shall (at least for yourself personally) accurately to realize that  in Norway and in Russia in the next 1-2 decades won't be. If you believe that Russia will repeat the Norwegian success and speak publicly about it, you are the dishonest politician.

As for Norway. Here are two of the thesis.

The first - Norway has symptoms of the Dutch illness. An economy distortion in an oil and gas sector, the high prices for everything within the country (despite the fact that the resources - here they are). By the way according to one expert, who should be trusted, this is the reason why the Norwegian oil and gas industry pays taxes partly by barter (construction of the same roads).
Nothing good on what to invest in Norway initially expensive and risky Arctic project isn’t present (the situation is different with the North Sea from the Arctic to the worst). If this continues, the country has all chances to get behind a few decades.

In addition, all the victorious news from Norway should be considered very carefully. The Minister of Energy of the country of fjords Ola Borten Moe amid triumphant achievements of the Norwegian oil and gas industry said:  “New areas will be opened up. There is no reason to stop now. Norway’s present boundaries end almost right up at the North Pole.”4

The response to such a strange statement was immediate - Prime Minister of Norway Jens Stoltenberg actually disavowed the statement by the Minister, saying that this is not their current policy. The Government’s policy remains unchanged. The policy is expressed in the petroleum message and administration plan for the Barents Sea - Lofoten, and does not imply oil drilling in the North Pole5.

So be more vigilant when you hear about another Norwegian project in the Arctic region.
The second thesis - the size of our countries. In terms of each citizen of Norway produces about 20 tons of oil. In Russia this index about 4 tons on the person. In this thievish Russian economy and bloated military-industrial complex (both signs are in part a consequence of the scale of the country) are not in favor of Russia in comparison with the Norwegian situation. (I'm not a politician, but as I remember, there is such a relationship - the smaller the country, the better to fight corruption (if there is such desire - to fight against it). The same applies to the MIC - a large country with enormous human potential, territories and resources traditionally doomed to claim for the status of the world power, with all that it implies).

Situation is also mitigates that Statoil (actually called StatoilHydro) is one of the largest generating companies in the renewable energy (hydropower energy of Norway, which provides over 90% of electricity in the country.) By the way here a counter question to you - if we copy the Norwegian experience why we do not take their experience in the renewable energy across the country? Norway will be anyway stimulated to diversify the economy as in due time it made Finland, having left from a role of the world supplier of the wood. While at Norway is where to develop. Not to us certainly to decide, but the country, for example, can become a part of the project on the development of wind power in the region of the North Sea. It is not just a provider of wind power, but as a country that can provide the accumulation of wind and solar energy forexample Germany (through PSP).

Let’s return to our country with a government project in the Arctic. The key question - which will cost investments, which (I'm more than sure, seeing the experience of how to build Sochi 2014 or 2012 APEC) to be used by more than 100%? Whether payback will take place?Which markets will be implemented Arctic oil and gas?

Or we will receive the second (or the third, the fourth...) BAM (actually unnecessary and budgetary wasteful)?

Apparently, we are on the way of the next BAM.

According to Doctor of Geographical Sciences Valery Livshits (St. Petersburg State University), and the candidate of economic sciences Catherine Fedorova (Non-profit partnership "Far Eastern Law Center"): "... By 2018, planned to double the existing capacity the enterprises for gas liquefaction, and mainly focused on the Asian market. At the same time the U.S. in LNG projects go cheap shale gas in Saudi Arabia and Qatar - more expensive raw materials which, however, aren't obviously possible for using in national economy will go. And in this competitive field is going to work "NOVATEK" and "Gazprom", based on hard deposits in the polar regions, the Arctic Ocean, ignoring the danger of large ice channeling methane carriers and tankers, as the apotheosis, requiring all of this tax relief. "

And here is the opinion of the Chairman of the Duma Committee on Energy Grachev (I quote not word-for-word, its short, but shocking performance at conference of institute of Adam Smith "Oil and gas the russian Arctic" in April, 2012): the cost of the Arctic project - $ 1 trillion, show us the markets in which we will return this trillion? answer isn’t present yet.

I suggest you to join us to look for the answer to this question (not in Norway, and not in the data of the Ministry of Justice about Greenpeace), and in the expert community (preferably unaffiliated political clichés about the future of Russia, which lies in the Arctic Ocean).

Partially the response on payback of the Arctic shelf gives recent actual closing of the Shtokman project (transfer for an indefinite term), and also meeting of the government of Russia on August 2 on which the program on mastering of a continental Russian shelf was wrapped.

According to the prime minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, by 2030 oil production on all shelf (not only Arctic) shall grow by 50 million tons to 66,2 million tons, is planned to increase gas production by 170 cm3 to 230 cm3.

However, in according to the program from the 66 million tons of oil Arctic shelf must provide 13.5 million tons of oil. And here is how the head of Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation Andrey Belousov commented at digit meeting on oil: "Considering that in Russia as a whole about the country we plan to extract about 510 million tons, it means that in 20 years - from 2010 to 2030 - at us the oil production gain at the expense of a shelf will make less than 10 % from volume of extracted resources. It is enormous a little in comparison with those investments - more than 9 trillion rubles - which is planned to enclose there", - he emphasized.
It may be added that the Arctic shelf will provide less than 3% of the current oil production. If oil of all shelf is evaluated as enormously small value how oil of the Arctic shelf shall be evaluated?

The situation with gas is not better: from 170 billion m3 of the shelf gas, planned to produce according to the Program, stopped Shtokman project was to provide about 100 billion m3 (differently the program for gas already half did not take place, at least in the proposed dates.) The Arctic program of gas production on a shelf is based on the 2 large projects – Shtokman and the Kara Sea which in the amount give about 140 billion m3 of gas and provide over 80% of the gas part of the program. That is according to the Program, in case of Shtokman's complete leaving, practically all Arctic shelf from the point of view of gas is a joint project of Rosneft and Ekson. And if it for any reasons doesn't take place, all shelf gas project will fail.

Following the results of meeting the program was sent to completion. According to messages of mass media, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade suggests to finish the draft of the program of investigation and mastering of a continental shelf, having provided higher rates of increase in oil production by 2030.

The truth how to increase that does not exist or it is not clear whether there is it  is unclear. The government can actually appear in a situation of search of a black cat in a dark room which there isn't present .

Also I will not be tired to repeat - don't forget a key problem - climate change. Each ruble, krone or dollar enclosed to the Arctic are means which left on aggravation of a problem of climate, including on thawing of the Arctic ices. And it is not 63 million rubles of Russian Greenpeace (by the way, cost of several apartments in the Moscow  superheated market of real estate). These are trillion rubles which will make our climate even more unpredictable and unfavorable for our comfortable existence.

Sincerely, Vladimir Chuprov

P.S. Just came news that the holding of the presidential International Arctic Forum in October this year (Salekhard) postponed without explanation indefinitely. I dare to assume that the cooling of the Arctic race started much earlier than I expected. That and to you I wish – to look at the Arctic race and Norwegian-American "successes" more soberly and quietly.

Unfortunately, the answers to all my questions it was not possible to receive, therefore, a lot of things remained unclear. But the fact of dialogue and discussion such important for our country, and the whole world of a subject very much pleases.

Dmitry Kachalov

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10.10.2014 00:38

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10.10.2014 08:13

Not only famous personalities can have stylish handbags but anyone can possess a stylish and cheap designer handbag that can be purchased from a bags sale. One can purchase cheap bags in a bags sale that are stylish and trendy. One can buy a perfect gift for a loved one from a bags sale.

10.10.2014 14:37

It always is the headache problem to designers that they have to design different kinds of handbags for the demand exceeds supply in the fashion handbags. There are thousands of orders for customized designer handbags online, let alone the stores.

11.10.2014 04:19

Using a wide brim, with downcast eyes and face from the sun, enjoying the way these hats present shade to unwind all day. With new styles and styles available today, these hats are undoubtedly the ideal hat for just about any occasion. Read to locate out how.

11.10.2014 04:59

We sell HI-Q Burberry Handbags and Burberry scarf for cheap. Buy discount Burberry bags at lowest prices and best customer reviews; here you can choose all kinds of cheapest authentic Burberry products, coat, and bags and so on. The latest ideas with Burberry findings were made for winter with snowboardingㄛwhich be more fun to create more comfort.

11.10.2014 06:03

Though there were less cute design handbags in fashion stores, many women would like to purchase them in favor. We can attribute this to their yearning of childhood. To most women, they prefer to mature handbags which showed off their temperament and charm completely and directly.

11.10.2014 17:37

These are detailed imitated to original designers. We guarantee our fake hand bags are hard to beat in quality. High quality replica handbags at low price Cheap designer hand bags you can find at our site, although their price is low, but the quality is not low at all.

11.10.2014 22:04

Every woman wants a beautiful, fashionable and cheap handbag which is a designer piece, beautiful and stylish for different occasions like parties, meetings and casual or formal occasions. All women try to get a stylish and beautiful cheap bag that will match with their outfit.

12.10.2014 01:35

You can also take the wind is blowing is the perfect choice for windy days and cool nights with If you can protect yourself and your children safe with the Burberry Outlet Online wind. Snowboard wear Burberry to the popularity of its moments of Burberry shirts for practical use depth of new high-tech fabrics and impartial investigation and improvement was also widespread recognition within the material reaches exothermic waterproof breathable Gore more U.S. businesses also established a kind of marriage cooperation.Burberry put ski clothes, certainly known to man.

12.10.2014 06:25

Industry experts point out that in the past in the traditional sense of luxury has been redefined, its consumers are also changing. Brand name handbags, shoes and clothing is no longer the last century, the rise of 90 new IT elite, the financial elite and the traditional industry "rich second generation" of the patent, more and more ordinary city office workers are transfiguration mainstream public consumption of fashion goods and luxury fashion goods with public boundaries are increasingly blurred.

12.10.2014 13:27

Not only famous personalities can have stylish handbags but anyone can possess a stylish and cheap designer handbag that can be purchased from a bags sale. One can purchase cheap bags in a bags sale that are stylish and trendy. One can buy a perfect gift for a loved one from a bags sale.

12.10.2014 16:55

Watches from top brands are available at top online shopping sites for men. You can pick from a variety of range leather strap, sports straps, metal straps and a variety in dial designs and brands as well. There is something for everyone at these online stores that cater to all kinds of budgets, whether you are looking for a watch for yourself or to gift someone.

12.10.2014 17:00

It always is the headache problem to designers that they have to design different kinds of handbags for the demand exceeds supply in the fashion handbags. There are thousands of orders for customized designer handbags online, let alone the stores.

12.10.2014 17:09

This kind of textile, generally known as gabardine, has been water-resistant and also hardwearing however breathable. So, that made it simpler for to shield this consumer through the things when continue to outstanding comfortable. Through 1891, Jones Burberry had showed a great center in London.

13.10.2014 03:34

All the bags in a bags sale are made up of pure leather and are of a very good and high quality. The bags sale has cheap bags as there is a discount available on the bags in different times of a year, mainly in the festive season like the Christmas eve and the new year eve.

13.10.2014 04:40

The bags sale has cheap bags as there is a discount available on the bags in different times of a year, mainly in the festive season like the Christmas eve and the new year eve. Cheap bags in different colors, shapes and sizes are found in a bags sale.

13.10.2014 08:39

Swimsuit-shopping may never be easy, however if you know what accommodates will look great with your appearance, it may be bearable. Right here, Burberry swimsuit could be a good selection as well as very best styles a variety of physical structure are listed below.

13.10.2014 14:11

But when it comes second-hand clothes, Daniel said not dare to try: "Some high-end dress rental that can be done, but needs maintenance and repair of clothing up and down at great cost, ordinary second-hand clothing trade more difficult."

13.10.2014 20:08

The bags sale has cheap bags as there is a discount available on the bags in different times of a year, mainly in the festive season like the Christmas eve and the new year eve. Cheap bags in different colors, shapes and sizes are found in a bags sale.

14.10.2014 00:14

This British brand is unbeatable in terms of fashion understanding for women. Burberry is a favourite of privileged women of high societies around the world. The brand is famous producer of fashionable costumes, fashion accessories, unique collection of fragrances, fine belts and watches and sunglasses.

14.10.2014 11:43

There is no need for a person to go to a shop to buy a beautiful cheap bag, bags sale is available online where one can choose form a wide range of hand bags in different colors, shapes and sizes with different prices.

14.10.2014 15:37

In Britain, even if the wind blowing street, under the drizzle, but Britons do not love carries an umbrella, would rather put on a windcoat. This is not an Englishman quirk, but one block rain windbreaker provided benefits, while mention windbreaker, many people first remembered is British brand Burberry.

14.10.2014 22:09

Bags sale have all the latest and fashionable cheap designer handbags that women like. Maximum customers to a bags sale are women, so a wide range of women hand bags are displayed in a bags sale.

15.10.2014 02:54

Make sure any belt that you buy doesn*t have a long overhang after it is fastened (unless it is designed to be worn long a la this season*s Burberry belt). It is so unsightly to see belts with long flapping ends and looks cheap.

15.10.2014 08:43

In China, second-hand goods leasing, trading is only in recent years began to develop, especially clothing, bags and other goods. "Because the goods and users of the contact is closer to it than used cars, used appliances and other goods more difficult to swallow."

15.10.2014 15:15

You can find all the finest imitations of the best designers in plaza like Louis Vuitton, Chloe, Fendi, and Gucci and buy them online and for free. You can find lots of categories of belts, purses, handbags and wallets, and all of them will show you a picture of the item, its price and a very simple option to buy it.

15.10.2014 19:15

Luxury Diluted the Value of the New Consumption Patterns In addition, relatively expensive luxury for many, people in genuine need are the emergence of new consumption patterns, and many consumers leased or used and sell it later.

16.10.2014 05:37

Especially for those who play a particular sport like tennis, soccer, cricket or golf, it can be far easier to shop online as you can filter out apparel and footwear ideal for other sports.

16.10.2014 08:37

Forget about the &It* bag, the spotlight is now on the belt. By cleverly choosing the right belt for your shape you can instantly update a look or add focus to the simplest outfit. A simple change of your belt means you can work the look from day to evening; career to casual.

16.10.2014 14:07

Though there were less cute design handbags in fashion stores, many women would like to purchase them in favor. We can attribute this to their yearning of childhood. To most women, they prefer to mature handbags which showed off their temperament and charm completely and directly.

16.10.2014 23:46

A bags sale has bags manufactured by different popular and well known companies like Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci, HUGO BOSS etc. All the bags in a bags sale are made up of pure leather and are of a very good and high quality.

17.10.2014 13:21

You can find all the finest imitations of the best designers in plaza like Louis Vuitton, Chloe, Fendi, and Gucci and buy them online and for free. You can find lots of categories of belts, purses, handbags and wallets, and all of them will show you a picture of the item, its price and a very simple option to buy it.

17.10.2014 13:44

Xiaoman said: "One of my friends online discount price to buy a 8.5 a 9.9 into a new Chanel bag, but also with a sales document." In like Amoy Amoy second-hand vintage eyes, with very little Amoy money to very good, is a matter worthy of showing off.

17.10.2014 14:49

There are many kinds of hats, whose style and now 1 of them may be the bucket hat. favorite songs for his elegant but casual environment are taken to shield not merely hats in the face with the sun, but always in a hot style item of your class to look casual, even revolutionized the typical T-shirt and jeans.

18.10.2014 00:33

In fact, we can see that the exclusive luxury slowly pale, very few craftsmen spirit of the brand to emphasize again in advertising. In addition to this physical form of second-hand stalls, and some specifically for users to second-hand goods trading sites. The sale of commodities, there are many luxury.

18.10.2014 05:57

The hand bags in a bags sale are not only fashionable and beautiful but also are tough and last for a long time. Handbags in a bags sale come in different colors, so one can find the hand bag that will match with their outfit. The cheap bags in bags sale are made by skilled craftsmen.

18.10.2014 22:28

Two other beautiful things about belts is that they are age neutral and financially attainable. With just a few well-chosen, good designer belts you can show the world your personal style. When looking for a belt take into account what you want to wear it with.

18.10.2014 23:48

You will find amazing stuff for men too. Try a belt, wallet or backpack from Louis Vuitton. You will also find business bags that can be carried on trips. This way even when he is way from you he will think of you. A nice logo belt will look really snazzy on him or treat him to a well made quality backpack.

19.10.2014 18:58

Online stores offer the promise of the same product without the big price. This seems like quite a fair deal as compared. Best storesThe best store is the replica Louis Vuitton Store Online that will guide you with the latest replica designs. These designs are based on the original from size to colour and materials used to make it.

20.10.2014 11:58

Therefore, the charitable nature of supermarket goods cheaper second-hand, and private second-hand goods of good quality supermarket, and sometimes can buy LV, Chanel and other luxury goods. Xiaoman recent visit of a supermarket is a charitable second-hand, which clothes the prices are generally 4.99 ~ 5.99 Canadian dollars (about three to four yuan).

20.10.2014 13:47

A replica Louis Vuitton Bag is a lot cheaper than an original one. The difference in price is basically the brand name. Similarly sunglasses and scarves too are made this way. Many people see sense in buying the designer wear of their choice without paying the heavy label price.

22.10.2014 08:27

It is easy to a woman or girl is smart, because Burberry coats are available in the market for them.Not surprisingly, Burberry luxury handbags adorned by many celebrities who are preparing to show the red carpet and is highly coveted by fashion addicts. High Quality Burberry handbags on sale are guaranteed flamboyant style is good addition to any team in strong market demand.

22.10.2014 18:34

The canvas bags are the top-selling products in the series of the LV goods. The design of the letter is very creative that most persons love the unique design. Certainly, there are many other well-known designer handbags in the fashion market, such as fashion Chanel bags, stylish Burberry handbags and other brands.

23.10.2014 17:57

They are all good functionality and accuracy with excellent craftsmanship and superior technology. If you want to buy this kind of bag, you should find Burberry online store offers Burberry bags expensive things differently. All these bags give the height of fashion handbags and other brands can serve for you.

24.10.2014 06:14

It is famous for its excellent design and the super quality. It means that the branded goods have fashionable appearance and the strong durability. Thus, you will never worried about that the stylish delicate handbags might be outdated. Among the series of Gucci designer bags, Gucci bamboo leather handbags are the most classic and the hottest.

25.10.2014 17:16

In order to keep pace with the times, the top designers always change the fashionable styles according to the basic styles. There are several kinds of designer handbags await you to choose. Designer evening purses, fashion leather handbags, vogue tote bags, and other types.

25.10.2014 21:14

Two other beautiful things about belts is that they are age neutral and financially attainable. With just a few well-chosen, good designer belts you can show the world your personal style. When looking for a belt take into account what you want to wear it with.

27.10.2014 06:25

Different types of bags like ski bags, sleeping bags, baby bags, hand bags, shoulder bags, wallets, purses, belts etc are found in a bags sale. The hand bags in a bags sale are not only fashionable and beautiful but also are tough and last for a long time. Handbags in a bags sale come in different colors, so one can find the hand bag that will match with their outfit.

27.10.2014 06:35

If you do really not what kinds they have, you can search on line. There must be plenty of sources available for you. Thus, you can make a decision according to your own demands. You can choose your favourite one to match your own style. Next, you can consider stylish Gucci chic bags, which has a long history.

28.10.2014 20:44

The Burberry Outlet Products are made of skull print fabric with synthetic leather trim and comes with dual shoulder straps and flat bottom. The market is flooded with these replica Burberry outlet online Products and people are buying them in huge quantity because of their cheap prices and attractive discounts.

29.10.2014 11:13

If you are looking for sunglasses, check the online store. They cater to all different designs that you could want. These are also perfect as gifts for close friends mothers and sisters. If you are looking for designer wear for your husband or boyfriend, look at the online replica stores.

30.10.2014 04:38

First, designer Chanel fashion handbags. It is the well-known brand that everyone knows it. The design is classic and fashionable, especially the double C logo printed in the exquisite handbags. Once you carry the unique vogue accessory in the street, you must be the focus of the crowd.

30.10.2014 05:21

The fact is, you will get almost all of those types in this area. It is a rule of demand and supply. Before purchasing, it is highly recommended that you surf the net to get as much information about the Burberry replica handbags and authentic ones as possible.

30.10.2014 21:21

In a word, from the utility bags to the fashion bags, designer discount handbags have finished the conversion of the role. It is very easy for fashion loves to choose cheap fashion handbags to meet your style.If you are dazzled by branded stuff, bling and big names in the fashion industry, you will soon realize how expensive all these things can be.

31.10.2014 15:45

The delivery Once you place your order, the online store gets working on it immediately. Within a few days your order is sent directly to your mentioned address. Your Louis Vuitton Purses and Wallets once ordered are shipped to your doorstep without any extra charges.

01.11.2014 07:24

Different types of bags like ski bags, sleeping bags, baby bags, hand bags, shoulder bags, wallets, purses, belts etc are found in a bags sale. The hand bags in a bags sale are not only fashionable and beautiful but also are tough and last for a long time. Handbags in a bags sale come in different colors, so one can find the hand bag that will match with their outfit.

01.11.2014 10:02

If backpacks are not his style, get him a Louis Vuitton keepall. For a smaller gift, give him a nice pair of sunglasses. These he can keep with him all the time whether traveling or otherwise. Though many guys do not buy too many brands, Louis Vuitton is one of the many they really value.

02.11.2014 05:53

A replica Louis Vuitton Bag is a lot cheaper than an original one. The difference in price is basically the brand name. Similarly sunglasses and scarves too are made this way. Many people see sense in buying the designer wear of their choice without paying the heavy label price.

02.11.2014 13:22

The cheap bags in bags sale are made by skilled craftsmen. Not only famous personalities can have stylish handbags but anyone can possess a stylish and cheap designer handbag that can be purchased from a bags sale.

03.11.2014 21:04

The Burberry Outlet Products are made of skull print fabric with synthetic leather trim and comes with dual shoulder straps and flat bottom. The market is flooded with these replica Burberry outlet online Products and people are buying them in huge quantity because of their cheap prices and attractive discounts.

03.11.2014 22:41

If you are looking for more options of gifts, check the Burberry scarves, shawls and jewelry for women. No matter what you buy you can count on it being of the highest standards and quality and delivered to your within the given time limit.

04.11.2014 19:38

If you are looking for more options of gifts, check the Burberry scarves, shawls and jewelry for women. No matter what you buy you can count on it being of the highest standards and quality and delivered to your within the given time limit.

05.11.2014 12:58

Alternatives do not mean cheap knock offs. Designer LV bags are made and sold online for cheap however they are of good quality and based on original designs. A replica Louis Vuitton Bag is a lot cheaper than an original one.

06.11.2014 12:25

Buyers need to place the orders beforehand for the latest styles Burberry Coats in the market. Burberry outlet stores also have many other Burberry products like coat, jacket, handbag, belt, sunglasses and many more. Burberry was an independent company until 1955, when it was bought by Great Universal Stores (GUS).

06.11.2014 12:39

It is famous for its excellent design and the super quality. It means that the branded goods have fashionable appearance and the strong durability. Thus, you will never worried about that the stylish delicate handbags might be outdated. Among the series of Gucci designer bags, Gucci bamboo leather handbags are the most classic and the hottest.

07.11.2014 05:15

In order to keep pace with the times, the top designers always change the fashionable styles according to the basic styles. There are several kinds of designer handbags await you to choose. Designer evening purses, fashion leather handbags, vogue tote bags, and other types.

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